Four Months!

I interrupt my (already short) cloth diaper series to bring you these adorable pictures!

Someone turned four months old this weekend!

Month four brought road trips and overnight stays at the grandparents,

Camping and lots of opportunities to charm the ladies with his smirk.

It brought rolling over from back to belly

Which he thinks is pretty much the greatest thing ever.

He’s getting pretty good at grabbing things…including the camera.

I love you, little man.  You make my life richer and you make me smile everyday.


Filed under Baby, Just for Fun, Pictures

3 responses to “Four Months!

  1. Leah

    He is pretty much the cutest baby I have ever seen. He could model!! I LOVE his facial expressions. I will probably drool all over him tuesday! 😀

  2. Willis, Lynette [NTK]

    These pictures are amazing.

  3. Cathy

    Could this kid be any cuter? Seriously!!

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